zondag 11 december 2011

Shooting school docu

Some shots during filming in Amsterdam for our school project where we make a small none commercial docu about Blek Le Rat.

woensdag 9 november 2011


Last friday Beats&Pieces was happening. It was a great succes with around 200 different people that showed up and checked out the pieces and listened to the music. Up to the next one.

Thanks to all the Artists:

Dj's: Mike Jungerius, Vincent-Paolo, Mr Blonde, Paulsebastian & Teenageluck

Art: Robin Leevel, Caro Butters, Wairtistic, Jut & Jul, en Setik.

zondag 28 augustus 2011

JUTENJUL around the world

The crewneck went a long way from Holland to Spain to England, Egypt and now back in Holland again. Now JUTENJUL is getting ready for some new stuff. Expo coming, new work and new clothing!


dinsdag 19 juli 2011


JUTENJUL will be around the world this summer. SPAIN / SINGAPORE / EGYPT are on the schedule. Time to do some work!

donderdag 14 juli 2011


JUTENJUL embraces you with their brand new crewnecks. Black and grey, sizes M and L.